Renal Dysfunction

Most of the patients who get affected by Renal Dysfunction are not able to recover and die in early stages of life. There is no such treatment available to heal the damaged kidneys. As we know, kidney works as a disinfectant for the body it filters the blood and removes all the toxic chemicals from Read more


Renal Parenchyma ( Renal Parenchymal )

Renal Parenchymal Disease Renal means something which is related to kidney, renal parenchyma is the functional tissue of kidney that consists of nephrons. These tissues are very important tissues for the organ for the proper functioning of kidney. Nowadays many people are suffering from renal parenchymal disease, when the cells (nephrons) of kidney damages due Read more


Renal Failure Diagnosis

Renal failure is a very dangerous disease if not diagnosed in time. Renal failure is also called renal inefficiency this is a medical condition which occurs when kidney fail to filter waste products and toxics out of the blood. Two forms of kidney injury are acute kidney failure and chronic kidney failure. These diseases are Read more