Renal Infarction refers to the kidney illness medical condition, which means the death of an area of tissue due to lack of oxygen. When any parts of kidney not get proper amount of oxygen that result, destroys the tissue in the kidney. This can become severe if the large portion of kidney is not getting proper amount of oxygen, large area is affected badly, and all tissues of kidney are dead. When the level of oxygen gets low in the renal arteries then the tissue are damages and leads to the development of renal infarction. Some common symptom of possible renal infarction condition : –
- Nausea
- Anorexia
- Vomiting
- Flank pain
- Chronic Abdominal pain
- Fever
These above symptoms help the person to know about this renal medical condition and can contact the doctor immediately. This disease can affect the break down the functioning of kidney because when tissue dies then the kidney stop its proper working and that leads to the infraction of kidney. Why this happens there are some most important causes of renal infarction which are given beneath :-
- Arteries Blockage
- Blood Clots
- Arteriosclerosis and Fibrodisplasia
The above points signify that how this disease occurs. Many renal medical specialists and doctors have treatments regarding this disease. When patient approach to a doctor then doctor advice them to have these tests to know the correct condition of this disease :–
- Physical examination
- Electrocardiography
- Dipstick testing of urine
- Chest Radiography
- Abdomen Examination
- Blood test
- Renal Tract CT Scan
- Renal Ultrasonography
- Transthoracic Echocardiography
- Holter monitor
- Arterial Hypercoagulability Test
- Echocardiography with bubbles
After having these tests doctor can diagnose it well and can start further treatment as well. These tests help the doctor in diagnosing the level of disease and it is in which condition either acute or chronic. Many treatments and therapies are provided to the patient like Anticoagulation Therapy with low molecular weight heparin and treated with intravenous gentamicin for 3-4weeks. The duration of this treatment depends on the condition of disease. Thrombolysis Therapy could also be considered for the acute renal infarction. This type of renal medical treatment is suitable when this disease has damaged the large part of kidney and it is not easy to recover by the above treatment. If patient is suffering from acute renal infarction posse’s low back pain, flank and many more problems, in this stage, clinical treatment is not sufficient but it includes many treatments.
It is common that renal infarction resulted the disruption of blood to the kidney. Anyone can suffer from this disease without risk factor of cardio embolism. Nowadays many people are suffering from this disease but with the help of medication and therapies, it become easy to get rid from this disease. One must beware this very dangerous disease of it if there are any symptoms regarding this disease one must contact the specialist as soon as possible.