Renal artery stenosis is a disease in which renal artery get narrow due to fibromuscular dysplasia or atherosclerosis. In this state renal artery can impede blood flow and leads to renal failure. Now we will talk about that what is renal- renal means anything related to kidney so renal arteries are those arteries, which carries Read more
Archive : Renal
Acute Renal Disease
Acute renal disease is a condition in which kidney stops working properly this is a serious but it can be treated if proper care is taken and detected in initial stage, in this case kidney suddenly stops its operation and once the working of kidney is affected the harmful waste which it throws out from Read more
Renal Arteries
Renal arteries are very essential for the kidney as the major function of these arteries is to provide blood to the kidneys. Renal arteries are present above the renal veins. There may be two or more than two arteries serving each kidney. The arteries present in the kidney are the pair of large blood vessel Read more
Renal Agenesis
Renal agencies mean the failure of kidney creation during fetal growth. Renal agenesis can be unilateral or it can also be bilateral. Unilateral means one kidney is present in the body and bilateral means kidney is not present or very little kidney is present. These two types of renal agenesis and they are very much Read more
Acute Renal Failure ( ARF )
The kidney is an organ in our body that resembles like bean. This organ performs several essential functions to save our body from the various diseases; this organ also serves as natural filter of the blood. Kidney is a very important organ of the body because it is responsible for the re-absorption of water, glucose Read more